In Stock: MacBook Pro 15″ Retina i7 Yosemite 256GB SSD 8GB

macbook pro 15Now in stock: Many of our Cary area residents have been requesting pre-owned Apple MacBook Pro laptops for years. Well, we have them in stock. For full details on what we’re trying to keep in stock please visit this page: Cary NC used Apple MacBook Pro notebooks. We hope to have these in at all times throught October and November. If they sell well we will keep them in stock at all times. So, if you are a Mac fan, spread the word!

The latest unit we got our hands on is this MacBook Pro 15″, late 2012. It is very fast; we just put in a 256GB Solid State Drive. It also has 8GB ram, a 15″ Retina display, Yosemite OSX. This unit is on display at $949.