How to Recycle Computers, Laptops and Cell Phones in Raleigh or Cary, NC
Computer equipment contains environmentally hazardous waste and should be disposed of properly. NC state law bans computer equipment from being disposed in NC landfills.
It is very important that you dispose of your hard drives with someone you trust. Your social security number, bank account information, passwords and personal information such as photos and private communications may all be on your hard drive. We insure hard drives that we dispose of are destroyed to protect your data. We can provide written certification of destruction if requested when we receive your hard drive.
Here are some ideas on how to dispose of computer equipment in Raleigh and Cary, NC.
We do accept certain computer equipment as a service to the neighborhood. All equipment must be dropped off. We work with a recycling firm that insures the hard drive data is properly destroyed so that your personal information is not at risk. See the list of acceptable equipment below:
- Laptop computers (working or broken)
- Flat-screen LCD monitors (working)
- Desktop computers (dual core or faster, working or broken)
- Rechargeable batteries under 2 lbs., laptop batteries, cell phones and cell phone batteries.
- Computer cards
- Hard drives
- These are recycled with certified etrash companies
- Broken flat-screen LCD monitors
- CRT monitors
- TVs
- Desktop computers (P4 or older)
- Printers, faxes, copiers, scanners
- Lead batteries
- Hubs, nics, routers, switches, racks, etc.
- The South Wake Multi-Material Recycling Facility at 6130 Old Smithfield Road, Apex, NC 27502 and the North Wake Landill & Recycling Facility at 9004 Deponie Road, Raleigh, NC 27614 accept nearly all types of residential waste including computer equipment, batteries and much, much more. This is for Wake County residents or Wake County small businesses.
- Working LCDs, working CRTs and desktop PCs may be taken to Second Chance Computers. 6320 Capital Blvd., Suite 116, Raleigh, NC 27616 Phone: (919) 848-8864.
- Asset Recovery Corporation at 2710 Weck Drive, Durham, NC has taken the Electronics Recycler’s Pledge of True Stewardship and recycles for a fee. Phone: (919) 467-0104.
- Global Electric Electronic Processing will accept your materials for a fee. 2710 Weck Drive, Durham, NC, 27713. Phone: 919-544-1443
- For a list of private electronics recycling companies, visit Trash Takers.
How to Recycle Computers, Laptops and Cell Phones in Raleigh or Cary, NC
Computer equipment contains environmentally hazardous waste and should be disposed of properly. NC state law bans computer equipment from being disposed in NC landfills.

It is very important that you dispose of your hard drives with someone you trust. Your social security number, bank account information, passwords and personal information such as photos and private communications may all be on your hard drive.
We insure hard drives that we dispose of are destroyed to protect your data. We can provide written certification of destruction if requested when we receive your hard drive.
Here are some ideas on how to dispose of computer equipment in Raleigh and Cary, NC.
We do accept certain computer equipment as a service to the neighborhood. All equipment must be dropped off. We work with a recycling firm that insures the hard drive data is properly destroyed so that your personal information is not at risk. See the list of acceptable equipment below:
Acceptable Equipment:
- Laptop computers (working or broken)
- Flat-screen LCD monitors (working)
- Desktop computers (dual core or faster, working or broken)
- Rechargeable batteries under 2 lbs., laptop batteries, cell phones and cell phone batteries.
- Computer cards
- Hard drives
- These are recycled with certified etrash companies
Unacceptable Equipment:
- Broken flat-screen LCD monitors
- CRT monitors
- TVs
- Desktop computers (P4 or older)
- Printers, faxes, copiers, scanners
- Lead batteries
- Hubs, nics, routers, switches, racks, etc.
How to dispose of equipment we do not accept:
- The South Wake Multi-Material Recycling Facility at 6130 Old Smithfield Road, Apex, NC 27502 and the North Wake Landill & Recycling Facility at 9004 Deponie Road, Raleigh, NC 27614 accept nearly all types of residential waste including computer equipment, batteries and much, much more. This is for Wake County residents or Wake County small businesses.
- Working LCDs, working CRTs and desktop PCs may be taken to Second Chance Computers. 6320 Capital Blvd., Suite 116, Raleigh, NC 27616 Phone: (919) 848-8864.
- Asset Recovery Corporation at 2710 Weck Drive, Durham, NC has taken the Electronics Recycler’s Pledge of True Stewardship and recycles for a fee. Phone: (919) 467-0104.
- Global Electric Electronic Processing will accept your materials for a fee. 2710 Weck Drive, Durham, NC, 27713. Phone: 919-544-1443
- For a list of private electronics recycling companies, visit Trash Takers.