Heartbleed bug: Should I change my passwords?


Should I change my password right now like the news told me to?

No. Until the security flaw at your favorite websites the new passwords will be readable. DO update your passwords once the flaw is repaired. To see affected sites and the repair status visit this page: http://mashable.com/2014/04/09/heartbleed-bug-websites-affected/?utm_cid=mash-com-Tw-main-link

What is OpenSSL?

Most websites that were thought to be secure use something called OpenSSL. This encrypts your data between your computer and the website it is communicating with. OpenSSL is used to encrypt data such as credit card numbers and passwords.

Who uses OpenSSL?

OpenSSL is very common. If you use Facebook, Google, Yahoo, etc your password is transmitted via OpenSSL encryption.

How long has data been affected?

As with many security breaches, they are known by someone long before they are public. This bug in particular has existed around 2 years. It is unclear at this point what has been exploited.

Where else can I get reliable and current information?
