Apple Mac broken glass

Apple MacBook Pro has a sheet of glass over the screen.  Sometimes when folks bring in their MacBook for us to replace the broken screen, they are pleasantly surprised to hear us say their lcd screen isn’t broken but it is this plexiglass protective cover sheet instead. Usually this repair is less than $100 for parts and labor.

We also had someone recently hug us when we gave them a price for fixing the broken lcd screen on their Apple Mac.  Our price was much lower and was a faster TAT than they had been quoted at the Apple Store.

So if your laptop screen is broken, bring it to Absolute Computers – we fix many laptops with broken screens and we may surprise you with good news.  We do all our repairs on site here in Cary, NC which is close to customers in Cary, Apex, Raleigh and the surrounding Wake County / Research Triangle Area.