10 Years of Blogging on Absoluteraleigh.com

Today we launched the latest revision of our website. Man, it has looked funky many times over the years. We’re going back to the basics. At one point when we moved from HTML to WordPress, much of the blog was lost, as in 2005-2010. Well, right there on the webserver, sitting in a zip file, was, the old blog.

Does anyone want to import around 1,300 articles for us?

We went ahead and put the first one back online today, with the original date and all. The date was 4/13/2005.

I made clear in the post that I thought I was late to blogging. Was I wrong. These days, I see businesses everywhere that have a major lack of content.

Here’s a screenshot of that that original post looked like, produced with blogger back in the day. Enjoy.


We just souped up our blog. Comments are enabled.